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ML Analytix brings together 60 years of accumulated experience in the form of leading experts from various tech verticals. Our team has relevant expertise in machine learning and AI, automated supply chain solutions, automated vehicles and clean tech sector.

From being able to use artificial intelligence for predictive maintenance of vehicles to automated routing for logistics providers, AI and machine learning are set to play a key role in shaping business dynamics in future. The key industry stakeholders in logistics and transportation industry are already taking the leap to be first adopters in these technology initiatives. Whether it is Amazon making use of robots and automated shelving systems in its warehouses or Apple using predictive demand planning systems, logistics and transportation still offers huge space for further improvements and efficiencies that AI technologies may address.

ML Analytix’ core ability to relate machine learning algorithms with practical supply chain applications comes from its co-founders’ years of experience in leading supply chain companies in the world. Having known the best industry practices while still aware of the shortcomings in existing systems, ML Analytix is uniquely positioned to address such challenges using cutting-edge predictive self-learning algorithms that can altogether transform companies’ operations.